
Saturday, October 28, 2017

How to Care for Good Teeth and True

How to Care for Good Teeth and True

Brushing your teeth twice a day, but teething and gum problems still happen a lot? Maybe the way you brush your teeth is still not right. The following are some points that can be a guide.


1. Avoid Sweet Food 
Bacteria in the mouth are very fond of sweet foods or those containing sugar. To reduce the volume of sweet foods in the mouth is very telling to keep the bacteria in the mouth is not growing.

2. Avoid Foods That Are Still Hot Or Too Cold

Temperatures that are too hot or too cold in foods or drinks can damage the level of tooth sensitivity even to the point that it can create cracks in the tooth structure itself. When that happens, the bacteria will easily enter the tooth structure and cause toothache or even increase tooth decay, especially in white on the teeth. For that, before eating or drinking into the mouth, make sure in advance that the meal or drink is not too hot even too cold.

3. Brushing Teeth Minimum 3 Times a Day 

Too often brushing your teeth will cause damage to the tooth enamel. For that, to care for teeth to keep white and stay healthy, diligent tooth brushing at least 3 times a day is especially advisable especially before bedtime. This works so that the remaining food in the tooth is not samakin increase and disconnect the development of bacteria that eat the food side.

4. Eat Many Fresh Fruits 

In addition to good health for the body, it turns out fiber in fresh fruits can help remove dirt and food remnants attached to the teeth. For that, the more we often eat fresh fruits then dental health will be more awake as well.

5. Often Chewing Gum

Aside from being a mouth muscle gymnast, it turns out chewing candy can stimulate the saliva in the mouth is increasing. Thus the increased quantity of saliva can clean the food residue acid particles in the body so that it will maintain the teeth to keep white, healthy and not hollow. However, to keep in mind is chew gum that does not contain much sugar.

6. Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash is very well used after brushing your teeth. Mouthwash containing fluoride substances is very good for maintaining healthy teeth or cavities. Gargle a maximum of 2 times a day and that is enough to destroy the germs that cause dental plaque.

7. Use Dental Yarn

Dental threads can function to clean up the leftovers tucked between the teeth. However, the use of dental floss is very careful this is due to dental floss could have injured enamel which the wound is very favored by bacteria in the mouth and as the cause of bad breath.
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10 Smoking Dangers For You

10 Smoking Dangers For You

Surely all are familiar with the warning 'no smoking'. Those two words can easily be found in various places, even cigarette packs though. It does not seem surprising to remember the negative effects of smoking on your body.

Photo source: kbat[dot]com
One of the main consequences you can get from smoking is suffering from heart disease. It is estimated, about 20% more deaths due to heart is directly related to smoking habits. Why smoking is dangerous enough? What are the other negative effects of smoking?

Not to intimidate, this time I will share some of the dangers of smoking that you must know, especially for those of you who are active smokers. What are the dangers of cigarettes? 

1. Brain 
Some studies show, smoking can increase the risk of stroke by 50 percent. This condition can cause brain damage and death.

In addition, smoking can also increase the risk of brain aneurysm. Aneurism itself is a swelling of blood vessels that occur due to weakening of blood vessel walls.

Worse yet, at any time can rupture and cause brain hemorrhage. Therefore, it's better to be on your guard!

2. Mouth and throat 

All of course already know due to smoking on the mouth. Yup is true, cigarettes can cause stained teeth and bad breath. But not only that, smoking can also trigger gum disease and taste damage.

More serious problems in the mouth and throat are the emergence of tongue cancer, throat cancer, lips, and cancer of the vocal cords. Usually such conditions are already displayed on the picture cigarette pack, try deh you pay attention.

3. Lung

One of the most dangerous effects of smoking is lung cancer. Chemicals that exist in cigarettes are potentially damaging cells in the lungs that later can form cancer cells. Not quite up there alone, apart from lung cancer you will also be more at risk of bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema. 

4. Stomach
Negative effects of smoking also felt up to the stomach. Smoking can basically weaken the muscles that control the bottom of your esophagus. It allows the stomach acid to move in the wrong direction, namely to the esophagus.

The condition is called gastric acid. If left continuously in the long run, then you will be at risk of ulcers or ulcers, and even deadly stomach cancer.

5. Bones 

The next danger of smoking is on the bone. Toxins in cigarettes can damage the bone by stopping the work of the construction cells. Therefore, an active smoker will be more at risk of brittle bones or osteoporosis.

Even worse, toxins in cigarettes also have the potential balance of hormones in charge of keeping the bones strong, such as estrogen hormones for example.

6. Skin 

Do you want to look dazzling and youthful? Stop smoking right now. Active smokers will look older than those who do not smoke. This can happen because cigarette smoke inhibits oxygen intake into the skin.

In addition, smoking can also trigger the emergence of signs of premature aging such as wrinkles around the eyes, the appearance of black spots, and even some studies to prove cigarette smoke can trigger the appearance of cellulite.

7. Reproductive organs 

Smoking can interfere with your reproductive system and your fertility. In men, smoking can trigger impotence, reduce sperm reproduction, and even trigger testicular cancer.While in women smoking can lead to reduced fertility aka barren. In addition, the risk of cervical cancer will be higher, because smoking can reduce the body's ability to fight human papillomavirus infection (HPV).

8. Improve stress 

In addition to causing physical illness, smokers will also experience higher levels of stress than those who do not smoke. During this time you may think smoking can make the mind become relaxed. You think the content of nicotine can calm the mind, when it's wrong.

What makes an anxious and anxious smoker is withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. By smoking, smoking addiction to nicotine will be fulfilled and smokers will feel the cigarette can reduce the stress that he experienced before.

9. Life becomes less happy 

Not all smokers will die because of heart disease, stroke, or lung, but smoking can be very annoying and reduce the quality of your daily life.

The effects of cigarettes that you can feel everyday such as shortness of breath, coughing, more tired, more susceptible to infection, and having trouble sleeping that is usually characterized by difficulty breathing at night then excessively tired in the morning.

10. Damaging the eyes

In a study published by 'Archives of Ophthalmology', people who smoke will have a fourfold risk of developing macular degeneration. This not only causes damage to the retina, but more severe effects can lead to cataracts and even permanent blindness.
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Friday, October 27, 2017

How To Restrain Appetite, The Most Exactly..

How To Restrain Appetite, The Most Exactly..

It is difficult to resist appetite caused by various factors. For example, hormonal disorders, stress levels are high, to the aroma of food and eating atmosphere at that time. Sometimes you yourself do not realize what is causing it. Do not worry, uncontrolled appetite can be suppressed.

How to restrain appetite 
Recommended Food Types 
You feel hungry constantly and have difficulty holding your appetite? Siasati by regulating food intake. Avoid consuming any food and start doing the following trick:

1. Eat potatoes

Potatoes contain natural starch. In the digestion, this substance is like fiber, so it makes you feel full longer. In addition, the potatoes can also maintain a balance of blood sugar levels, even help reduce body fat, as long as not fried and use other additives, such as flavor, mayonnaise, or cheese. Potatoes can be a boiled potato added to the salad. Can also be mashed potatoes flavored with various spices.

2. Eat foods high in fiber and water

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Foods that contain fiber and water like that will make the stomach feel full longer, so you do not feel too fast need food again. The good news is that these high-fiber foods can be consumed in large quantities. In addition, eating foods high in fiber and water, also helps the digestive process.

3. Water intake 

Drinking water will help reduce the desire to consume snacks or meals. And often, thirst is misunderstood as hunger, especially if you have a habit of eating snacks. Therefore, when you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water. If the water just tastes bad, you can add lemon juice or mint leaves, or make infused water. Meet the needs of fluids by drinking water at least 8-10 glasses per day.

4. Do not miss breakfast 

Benefits of breakfast one of them is make you full all morning. If you do not have breakfast, you tend to feel hungry continuously until noon, so the appetite increases. By lunchtime, you are very likely to eat with more servings. Do not forget, the right eating rules are three main meals with two snack meals, ie at the time of noon and in the afternoon.

Beware of Emotional Hunger 

The desire to eat sometimes comes not because you are feeling hungry. When you are stressed or bored, it is possible to eat right away. How to restrain your appetite can be started by realizing you are not eating. Recognize the signs, like you do not feel hungry and not limp.

So, when you want to eat, remember first time when your last meal. If it has not reached four hours from the last meal, chances are you are just emotionally hungry.

In addition to regulating food intake, how to restrain appetite is to regulate activity. For example, start moving more. You can choose either up or down the floor using stairs instead of escalators, or choose a parking lot some distance away so there is a chance to walk.

Sleeping at least seven hours for adults is very important. It is related to appetite. The hormone leptin and ghrelin that regulate appetite, very influential on enough or not your sleep. If you get enough sleep, hormones work well, and that means your body can control your appetite.

There are many ways to restrain your appetite that can help you. Starting now, because following the desire to eat continuously will have an impact on weight gain and increased risk of disease.
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Thursday, October 26, 2017

How to Test Pregnancy with Toothpaste

How to Test Pregnancy with Toothpaste

As the sign of pregnancy begins to emerge, there is a sense of curiosity to immediately ascertain whether pregnant or not. To be sure, it must do a pregnancy test. One way is to do a pregnancy test with toothpaste. How come?
The first thing desired by the couple is to have a baby. The presence of the baby gives happiness to anyone. After some time waiting, not infrequently Mother began to feel the signs of pregnancy after marriage. When this is the right time to do a pregnancy test.
No need to wait too lami, the curiosity should immediately get an answer. It turned out to check the pregnancy, Mother can use the goods around the house. One of them is to use toothpaste or toothpaste.

How to Test Pregnancy with Toothpaste 

The way is easy enough. Mother just needs to prepare urine or urine in a place. And prepare a container for a toothpaste or toothpaste. After that, dab the urine on toothpaste. Do not drip too much or little. After that wait a few moments, then look at the results.

If the color of toothpaste changes that change in blue or frothy. These results show that the mother is positive pregnant. To get more accurate test results from a pregnancy test with this toothpaste, do it in the morning after waking up.

Are Pregnancy Tests Accurate with Toothpaste? 

Indeed there has been no definitive study of pregnancy tests using toothpaste. But some people have proven the success of pregnancy test by using toothpaste.

When using a pregnancy test with toothpaste, if the result does not show discoloration or foaming. Mother do not despair first. There could be a possibility of Mother pregnant.

Pregnancy tests with Tooth Pasta are not necessarily 100% accurate. A pregnancy test with a toothpaste is performed only to assess while pregnancy is present or not. Therefore, it is a good idea to make sure you have to do one of the pregnancy tests below. 
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9 Benefits of the Salam Leaves that Have Been Proven

9 Benefits of the Salam Leaves that Have Been Proven

Do you know the benefits of bay leaves in addition to cooking? This one though small but important. It must be admitted that almost all Indonesian cuisine is rich in spices. The bay leaf is the answer, which can be used as a complement to the spice flavor that stands out and the distinctive aroma. Getting it is very easy, because Indonesia is one of the places known as one of the producers of bay leaves, which in English is often called Indonesian bay leaf.


The benefits of Salam Leaves that have been Proven Scientific
1. Lowering Symptoms of Uric Acid 
With all the quality content in it, bay leaves by applying some treatments are known to reduce the symptoms of uric acid that is usually diidap by those who berusi advanced.

How to process: first, wash fresh leaves fresh lettuce. Enter into a pan stew with water (adjust the amount of leaves with the amount of water). Let it boil and recede until only enough left for one cup. Strain, take the water, put it in a glass. Allow to warm enough to drink. Drink after meals and do routine twice a day when uric acid symptoms are very disturbing and drink only once a day for prevention efforts.

2. Treating Diabetes

Antioxidants contained in bay leaves are beneficial for the efficient process of insulin in the body so good for people with diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes. Through antioxidants, bay leaves can reduce glucose content in blood and cholesterol. You usually buy or make your own chopped laurel leaves or in the form of ready-made powder. Consumption for 30 days in a row.

3. Overcoming Hypertension 

One of the benefits of flavonoid compounds contained in bay leaves is to normalize blood pressure in the body. This is certainly very necessary for those who have hypertension or who have a tendency to develop it based on hereditary history. Hypertension disease should be aware even if you do not have a family history of people, because lifestyle also has a role in allowing the outbreak of this disease.

For that, as a deterrent and endeavor of treatment, you can try therapy drinking boiled water leaves bay. Processing the same as the treatment for the treatment of gout disease. First clean the leaves fresh greetings, then boiled with water. Let it boil until it lowers into one glass. Drink while warm after meals. Do it regularly.

4. Prevent Cervical Cancer 

As one of the most deadly diseases in the world, cancer can be prevented by utilizing bay leaves. This is because in the bay contains eugenol, catechin, quercetin, and caffeic acid that are against various types of cancer and provide protection to the body. Laurel leaf also contains perthenolide which is useful to resist cervical cancer cell breeding.

5. Relieves Diarrhea 

Laurel leaf has many mineral and vitamin content that is good for smooth digestion. By drinking the freshly brewed leaves stew and adding it with a pinch of salt, you can create your own oralit and drink it to relieve diarrhea as soon as possible.

6. Maintaining Body Resistance 

It has been mentioned earlier that the leaves of salam contain lots of vitamin C. As is known, vitamin C is one of the substances that are useful in maintaining the immune system and ward off free radicals that threaten immune endurance.For that, regular tea-drinking bay leaves, namely the result of dry bay leaves and hot water like when brewing tea. Drink regularly every day and get a sustained immune system.

7. Helps Gain Ideal Body Weight

For you who want to reduce body weight to be more ideal, you can start trying to drink boiled water of bay leaves that have been cleaned. Leaves greeting good to reduce weight because the content of enzymes and minerals in it able to launch the digestive system.

How to make it easy. Just boil water with bay leaves to shrink and get enough 2 glasses of water. Strain, place it in a glass. Wait until it is warm and drinkable. Consume 2 glasses a day before bed. Do not forget to balance with regular exercise.

8. Overcome dandruff

Decoction of bay leaves in addition to can be consumed into the body is also good for use outside the body. Because the bay leaves contain essential oils that are useful as a tonic for hair that is able to fight dandruff. Make boiled water of cold bay leaves as the final rinse of your hair. Do it once a week and do not forget to keep the hair area clean. Get Rid Of Dandruff Free Hair Online

9. Healthful Eyes

Eyes tired from too often look at the phone or computer screen, red and itchy because of dust on the streets, do not worry, bay leaves may be the solution of your eye problem. Before turning into excessive irritation, do your eye care with dried bay leaves. With a variety of content contained in it, boiling water leaves dry laurel was able to nourish the eyes and prevent it from further infection. All you have to prepare is dry bay leaves and water. Boil a few moments. Wait until cool. Use by rubbing the water into the eyes for several minutes. Do it regularly, especially if you regularly outdoors activities.
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Types of Exercise Decrease the Easy Stomach

Types of Exercise Decrease the Easy Stomach

Having a pot belly is something that many people avoid. Whoever he is, both men and women must want to have a flat stomach. That's because a flat or uneven stomach will make a person look more attractive. So do not be surprised if many are trying to isolate the distended belly one of them with sports.

There are many types of exercise to shrink belly, ranging from mild to severe exercise and accompanied by a strict diet program. Everything is done to get a flat and attractive stomach.


The causes of distended stomach 
Before knowing what types of sports that can shrink the stomach, first we need to know what the cause of distended stomach. By knowing these factors, then we can avoid it so it will be easier for us to get the ideal stomach size.

1. Alcohol 

Not only have an impact on the health of the body, consumption of alcoholic beverages can also make the size of the stomach enlarged. In the alcoholic beverages contain calories and fats with very high levels. this if left continuously it will cause fat accumulation in the area around the abdomen and other body parts. So people who often consume alcohol will have a distended stomach and weight will continue to increase. In addition, consuming alcoholic beverages also cause various health problems, such as liver, stomach disorders, intestines, and so forth. for that, stop drinking alcohol now.

2. Snacking

 Snacking, especially at night can be the cause of the growing size of a person's stomach. What's more most of us prefer snacking greasy foods that are usually also accompanied by sweet drinks. This habit is not recommended because at night the body does not need sugar and fat so that if this continues continue will only accumulate fat in the body only.

3. Fatty foods

maybe we can not avoid fatty foods because this kind of food model there are many around us. one type of fatty foods that many favored by the community is gorenan. Fried, whether processed or bought around the house has become a daily consumption. if this is consumed in a reasonable dose then it will not cause problems but if excessive it can result in less good for health, one of which is the enlargement of stomach size. That's because fat is a substance that is difficult to digest so that if the amount is excessive will accumulate fat in the body. While fried food is a very high fat content.

4. Gourmet food 

there are various types of food gases around us. Foods like this will not cause problems if consumed in a reasonable amount but if the amount is excessive it will cause problems in the body, such as stomach becomes bloated and distended.

5. Lack of exercise
we are lazy to exercise so that the stomach becomes bloated. Exercise can burn excess calories in the body so that in addition to healthy, exercise can also be a way to avoid the distended stomach.


Various sports shrink the stomach
For those of you who currently have a large belly size and intend to shrink it, some types of sports below you can do to realize that desire.

1. Yoga, pilates, and similar sports 

Body-centered or core-like sports like yoga and pilates are effective enough to make the size of the stomach small. For example, on yoga sports. Yoga movements such as supine twist, plank, with twist, scale, boat, side incline and swan dive t darrujud can make the stomach small.

2. Martial arts

If in the old days martial arts serves to protect themselves from evil, then this time in addition to protect themselves, martial arts also have started functioned as a sport. In martial arts movements such as locking arms, parrying, attacking, punching, kicking, and so forth. Such movements require not only great energy but also need to be supported with a good body balance. That way, the posture will be formed ideally, including the area around the abdomen.

3. Run 

Running is a cheap sport. Anyone can do it without having to pay a fee. When running, a person's body must be in a neutral position, such as a straight head facing forward, chest swept forward, back straight, and stomach enter. This position will be very good for forming the ideal body posture, including also to shrink the stomach because at the time of running the abdominal muscles will be stretched to balance the body movement.

4. Racquet sports

There are many types of sports that must be used for rackets. Such as badminton, table tennis, and ping pong is a sport that is familiar to us. many of us who make this sport as a hobby. Playing sports like this is not only healthy body but automatically can reduce the size of the stomach. That's because at the time of lifting the hands of the abdominal muscles will stretch to menghimbinya. The process of stretching the abdominal muscles is what if it happens regularly will form a small stomach.

5. Have fun

When we are in arms, the whole body will try to keep the body afloat. Starting from the back, hands, feet, and head will try to keep his balance. It is very good for the formation of the muscles of the body, including also the otott muscles. In addition, the pressure of water around the abdominal area can decrease the size of the stomach.

6. Sport sliding

Lately sports slid into a sports model that much-loved by people, especially for young people. In addition to fun, sports model of this one is also very good for health. There are various types of sports glide that you can practice, ranging from surfing, windsurfing, to skiing. If this can be done regularly and well then you will automatically also get an ideal stomach.

7. Cycling

Other types of sports that can shrink belly size is by cycling. By pedaling the bicycle, the muscles will work to maintain the balance of the body. What's more when you have to go through the streets up and down the automatic feet and hands also have to work harder to keep the balance. This if done regularly will make the size of the stomach to be small.

Apart from ketuju above sports, you can still do various sports that can shrink the size of the stomach. Sports such as bridge opposite, donkey kickbacks, windshield wipers, body weight squats and various other sports can be used as an alternative sport to make your stomach size small. To do so, you can buy DVDs as a guide. Currently sold a lot of DVDs of various types of sports, and one of them is a sport to shrink the stomach.
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Natural Ways to Treat Shortness of Breath Without Drugs

Natural Ways to Treat Shortness of Breath Without Drugs

Shortness of breath is a condition where breathing feels tight. In some sufferers, shortness of breath feels like choking. This condition certainly makes sense of discomfort, either while resting, working, or while performing other activities. That is why it is very important to treat shortness of breath as soon as possible so that you can be detached from any kind of discomfort caused by the disease.


What Causes Shortness of Breath?
Before discussing the natural way of treating shortness of breath, it would be nice if we know in advance the cause. Under certain conditions, such as when in a place that is lack of oxygen or in a condition of the body that is too tired, some people will experience shortness of breath. However, breathing will be normal when the situation returns as before.

Shortness of breath in general is not a serious problem because quite a lot of people who experience it. But if it happens suddenly, what else followed by symptoms of fever, tightness in the throat, and tightness in the chest, then it should be immediately consulted to the doctor. This step is important to avoid the occurrence of something that is not desirable.Although generally shortness of breath is not something to worry about, but some health factors can also be a trigger. Such as conditions such as respiratory tract infections, anemia, chronic bronchitis, heart, and allergies. The diseases can be the trigger for the emergence of shortness of breath.

Treat breathlessness naturally without drugs

Shortness of breath or also called dyspnea is a health condition that if left unchecked will greatly interfere with our daily activities. Therefore, this disease needs to be addressed immediately. Below are various natural ways of treating shortness of breath that can be done without using drugs, namely:

1. Respiratory Diaphragm
Respiratory diaphragm or also called abdominal breathing is believed to help someone to treat shortness of breath.

How to do it are:
Lie on your back and put your hands on the abdomen! Try to keep your body and muscles in a state as relaxed as possible! 
Breathe deeply until you feel the entire lung cavity filled with oxygen! 
Hold for a few seconds then release until the entire lung cavity is empty! 
Do it over and over for 5 - 10 minutes! You can do this way 3 times a day.
2. Consuming Black Coffee
A cup of black coffee is not only delicious but also can be used to treat shortness of breath. Caffeine in coffee can improve the airway and overcome the exhausted muscles of exhaustion. Not only that, coffee can also overcome the symptoms of asthma. Drink 1 to 2 cups of black coffee a day! then the breath will soon be comfortable again. But keep in mind is, avoid excessive coffee consumption because it will increase your heart rate. 

3. Eating Ginger Potion
In addition to fresh when used as a drink, ginger is also one of the types of spices that can treat shortness of breath. Some substances in it can help the secretion of mucus so that breathing will be smooth.

a. Bring a Cup of Ginger Tea.
You can add a few pieces of ginger to the tea water and boil it. Add honey and stir until blended to add taste to taste more delicious.

b. Chewing ginger
In addition to processed into drinks, you can also chew a few pieces of ginger that has been peeled and washed clean. or an even easier way that is by eating ginger candy.

So many posts Natural Ways to Treat Shortness of Breath Without Drugs at this time, if anyone wants to be asked, please fill in the comment field below. 
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