
Saturday, October 28, 2017

How to Care for Good Teeth and True

Brushing your teeth twice a day, but teething and gum problems still happen a lot? Maybe the way you brush your teeth is still not right. The following are some points that can be a guide.


1. Avoid Sweet Food 
Bacteria in the mouth are very fond of sweet foods or those containing sugar. To reduce the volume of sweet foods in the mouth is very telling to keep the bacteria in the mouth is not growing.

2. Avoid Foods That Are Still Hot Or Too Cold

Temperatures that are too hot or too cold in foods or drinks can damage the level of tooth sensitivity even to the point that it can create cracks in the tooth structure itself. When that happens, the bacteria will easily enter the tooth structure and cause toothache or even increase tooth decay, especially in white on the teeth. For that, before eating or drinking into the mouth, make sure in advance that the meal or drink is not too hot even too cold.

3. Brushing Teeth Minimum 3 Times a Day 

Too often brushing your teeth will cause damage to the tooth enamel. For that, to care for teeth to keep white and stay healthy, diligent tooth brushing at least 3 times a day is especially advisable especially before bedtime. This works so that the remaining food in the tooth is not samakin increase and disconnect the development of bacteria that eat the food side.

4. Eat Many Fresh Fruits 

In addition to good health for the body, it turns out fiber in fresh fruits can help remove dirt and food remnants attached to the teeth. For that, the more we often eat fresh fruits then dental health will be more awake as well.

5. Often Chewing Gum

Aside from being a mouth muscle gymnast, it turns out chewing candy can stimulate the saliva in the mouth is increasing. Thus the increased quantity of saliva can clean the food residue acid particles in the body so that it will maintain the teeth to keep white, healthy and not hollow. However, to keep in mind is chew gum that does not contain much sugar.

6. Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash is very well used after brushing your teeth. Mouthwash containing fluoride substances is very good for maintaining healthy teeth or cavities. Gargle a maximum of 2 times a day and that is enough to destroy the germs that cause dental plaque.

7. Use Dental Yarn

Dental threads can function to clean up the leftovers tucked between the teeth. However, the use of dental floss is very careful this is due to dental floss could have injured enamel which the wound is very favored by bacteria in the mouth and as the cause of bad breath.
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