
Saturday, October 28, 2017

10 Smoking Dangers For You

Surely all are familiar with the warning 'no smoking'. Those two words can easily be found in various places, even cigarette packs though. It does not seem surprising to remember the negative effects of smoking on your body.

Photo source: kbat[dot]com
One of the main consequences you can get from smoking is suffering from heart disease. It is estimated, about 20% more deaths due to heart is directly related to smoking habits. Why smoking is dangerous enough? What are the other negative effects of smoking?

Not to intimidate, this time I will share some of the dangers of smoking that you must know, especially for those of you who are active smokers. What are the dangers of cigarettes? 

1. Brain 
Some studies show, smoking can increase the risk of stroke by 50 percent. This condition can cause brain damage and death.

In addition, smoking can also increase the risk of brain aneurysm. Aneurism itself is a swelling of blood vessels that occur due to weakening of blood vessel walls.

Worse yet, at any time can rupture and cause brain hemorrhage. Therefore, it's better to be on your guard!

2. Mouth and throat 

All of course already know due to smoking on the mouth. Yup is true, cigarettes can cause stained teeth and bad breath. But not only that, smoking can also trigger gum disease and taste damage.

More serious problems in the mouth and throat are the emergence of tongue cancer, throat cancer, lips, and cancer of the vocal cords. Usually such conditions are already displayed on the picture cigarette pack, try deh you pay attention.

3. Lung

One of the most dangerous effects of smoking is lung cancer. Chemicals that exist in cigarettes are potentially damaging cells in the lungs that later can form cancer cells. Not quite up there alone, apart from lung cancer you will also be more at risk of bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema. 

4. Stomach
Negative effects of smoking also felt up to the stomach. Smoking can basically weaken the muscles that control the bottom of your esophagus. It allows the stomach acid to move in the wrong direction, namely to the esophagus.

The condition is called gastric acid. If left continuously in the long run, then you will be at risk of ulcers or ulcers, and even deadly stomach cancer.

5. Bones 

The next danger of smoking is on the bone. Toxins in cigarettes can damage the bone by stopping the work of the construction cells. Therefore, an active smoker will be more at risk of brittle bones or osteoporosis.

Even worse, toxins in cigarettes also have the potential balance of hormones in charge of keeping the bones strong, such as estrogen hormones for example.

6. Skin 

Do you want to look dazzling and youthful? Stop smoking right now. Active smokers will look older than those who do not smoke. This can happen because cigarette smoke inhibits oxygen intake into the skin.

In addition, smoking can also trigger the emergence of signs of premature aging such as wrinkles around the eyes, the appearance of black spots, and even some studies to prove cigarette smoke can trigger the appearance of cellulite.

7. Reproductive organs 

Smoking can interfere with your reproductive system and your fertility. In men, smoking can trigger impotence, reduce sperm reproduction, and even trigger testicular cancer.While in women smoking can lead to reduced fertility aka barren. In addition, the risk of cervical cancer will be higher, because smoking can reduce the body's ability to fight human papillomavirus infection (HPV).

8. Improve stress 

In addition to causing physical illness, smokers will also experience higher levels of stress than those who do not smoke. During this time you may think smoking can make the mind become relaxed. You think the content of nicotine can calm the mind, when it's wrong.

What makes an anxious and anxious smoker is withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. By smoking, smoking addiction to nicotine will be fulfilled and smokers will feel the cigarette can reduce the stress that he experienced before.

9. Life becomes less happy 

Not all smokers will die because of heart disease, stroke, or lung, but smoking can be very annoying and reduce the quality of your daily life.

The effects of cigarettes that you can feel everyday such as shortness of breath, coughing, more tired, more susceptible to infection, and having trouble sleeping that is usually characterized by difficulty breathing at night then excessively tired in the morning.

10. Damaging the eyes

In a study published by 'Archives of Ophthalmology', people who smoke will have a fourfold risk of developing macular degeneration. This not only causes damage to the retina, but more severe effects can lead to cataracts and even permanent blindness.
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